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One of the my favorite parts of my day is to come home from my 8-5 job and then take care of my hairy baby, a 11 year old silky terrier, and then I make time to exercise.  I do not know about you, but for me, there is something sooooo gratifying about sporting an adorable workout outfit while exercising. I like to choose all my workout items for my outfit, which can include a workout bra, tank top, socks, capris, and shoes. Working out can sometimes be difficult to make time for, so it always helps to rock a workout outfit that is not only comfortable but super cute.

Normally, after I have changed into my cute workout outfit, I am roaring to go. I stream one of my favorite exercise routines in my living room.  Then I focus on the burn. Or wait do I? I am sure several of you have experienced this problem, like I have, an exercise outfit debacle. Now do you know what I am talking about? You are constantly pulling up and adjusting your exercise capris midway through an exercise movement or your sport bra is not really holding in the ladies well, midway through downward dog. For me personally, the fit of my workout clothes can either make or break my workout. This can deter from my workout and can take energy away from what you are trying to achieve. Rocking workout clothes that fit well, allows you to not only feel more confident, but makes working through your movements smoother. Every body shape is different and one brand’s fit may work well for one body shape and not another. Find those athletic brands that work well for your body type and include them in your workout wardrobe.